Meet Puleng

Hello and welcome to TheWord !
I’m Puleng Kgosiesele,
For many years, I heard a lot about what the world and its systems had to say about my career, my health, my relationships, my finances, my future, and much more.
It painted a gloomy and hopeless picture of my life, characterised by endless struggle and constant frustration. It insisted that things were just what they were, and there wasn't much I could do about it. The world made me think of myself as just merely a victim of circumstance.
As a result, I was often left feeling overwhelmed, uninspired, and stuck. I allowed my poor thoughts about the circumstances of my day to control the way I lived.
I would dwell on a negative thought and unknowingly create a mental image that became a self-imposed barrier to my potential.
Circumstances were there, but my thoughts were my greatest enemy. I didn’t know I could choose what to think and think differently.
What I needed was to break the pattern of thinking that was keeping me from advancing and blocking my path to living my best life.
I wanted a better way of living, to prosper in all things and not just merely get by.
So, I set out on a journey of self-discovery that allowed me to know myself to the deepest level and parted with everything that was holding me back.
It's an exciting, joyful and fulfilling journey, and by far the greatest and most rewarding investment I have made on myself.
Having experienced the power of a renewed mind that has led me to ‘come up higher’ in various areas of my life, I now know what it takes to transform your life. And I want to share it with you.
For decades, my life was largely characterised by endless worry and great anxiety:
My default response to threat was fear
Negative thoughts stole my peace and joy
My state of being was controlled by my environment
I had a spirit of heaviness which compromised my mental and emotional well-being
The smallest criticism caused me to be discouraged and shrink back
I always had something external to blame for my challenges and setbacks
I would continually ponder on mistakes and beat myself up for them
I didn’t want to take chances because I was afraid of failing
I always saw more problems than solutions
I replayed negative experiences in my mind and had self-pity and victim mentality
I often felt overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated by things beyond my control
I needed a revelation of who I really was
I found freedom when I realised that my experiences were largely created by my thoughts.
And so, if I could change my thoughts, I could change my experiences.
When I found that I had the power to reject wrong thinking, I gave my life a whole new meaning.
I had to shift my perspective from looking outwardly for solutions, to looking inwardly to create the change and growth I needed in my life
In order to do that, I had to change my source of information, because for decades, I had lived my life according to what the world had to say about it.
The underlying tone for it all was that “Life is a struggle, and you just have to get by”. And on the basis of such a deeply engrained perspective, life was indeed a struggle.
What you believe, you attract
I have now learnt to:
be calmer in turbulent situations
maintain joyfulness during trials
be content even in times of lack
have confidence in days of uncertainty
be strong in moments of weakness
hold my peace amid episodes of anxiousness
I can now say that since being deliberate about taking control of my thoughts and choosing to feed on information and knowledge from an entirely different Source, I now experience unfathomable peace.
gain from losses and prosper in adversity
recover from mistakes without breaking down
thrive regardless of the state of my finances
remain stable on shaky ground
have courage in the face of opposition
I have learnt to rise above, and stay above, the circumstances of my day, by choosing thoughts that give me victory.

The power is in dominating your thoughts
You are designed to attract what you are, and what you believe, because the image in you, draws similar things to you.
It is therefore my greatest desire to help others to transform their lives by the renewal of their minds. To help them project this image outwardly, and draw to themselves, the rich experiences that match their healthy thought-life.
Come up higher with me on this journey of discovery. A journey of renewal. A journey of transformation.
You will go as far as your thoughts take you
TheWord will take your thoughts as far as you want to go
Thoughts create images. And the wrong image of yourself will make you and keep you poor, sick, discouraged, overwhelmed and fearful.
Let go of the limitations that have kept you in bondage in times past.
Your external environment no longer holds the power to paint the picture of your life. The power to transform your life and advance to new heights is on the inside of you, waiting to be unleashed.
TheWord is your launching pad to greatness, wholeness, healing, freedom, favour, comfort, and much more.
Come on board and let TheWord inspire, encourage and empower you.

Puleng’s Biography
Puleng holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and is passionate about Mindset Change. Her greatest desire is to improve lives, where she is, with what she has. It is with this mindset that she founded the TheWord and TheWord Abundant-Life.
Her passion is to inspire people to let go of everything that is holding them back and transform how they see themselves so that they can live their best life. She seeks to share biblically based principles that result in peaceful, joyful and prosperous living.
She has translated her own ‘average’ personal life journey to launch a larger platform, reach a wider audience and share possibilities for incredible life experiences. Through her artful writing and speaking skills about the things of God and life, she looks for opportunities to work on life-enhancing and life-changing projects so that the generations of her time and those after, may experience the exceedingly abundant life, that is available to whomsoever will receive it.