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TheWord Abundant-Life

Everything begins with your thoughts

Many times we go outside ourselves and look to other people, conditions and circumstances to change first, before we are able to change ourselves.

We believe that if external factors were different, then our lives would be different.


We blame the cards that we have been dealt in life for how we are. 

Yet nothing outside you creates how you feel.

Your thoughts create how you feel about the world outside you, and how you feel determines what you do or don’t do. They are the driving force for your entire life.

The right thoughts produce the right self-image and create the abundant life

Your self-image shapes your entire life because you will always create and operate according to how you see yourself

Do you find yourself:

  • feeling like you are not enough?

  • allowing challenges to steal your joy and peace?

  • overwhelmed and lacking energy?

  • constantly worried and anxious about the things of life?

  • physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted?

  • greatly disturbed by uncertainties?

  • feeling stuck and not advancing?

  • repeating the same habits that do not serve you?

  • feeling guilt, shame and condemned by past mistakes?

  • allowing fear to block you from impacting the world?

  • feeling helpless and having no control of your destiny?

  • living your life aimlessly and simply reacting to situations?

You will live the reality of the self-image you have

When you change your self-image, you change your life


You attract what you are


Every experience in life, positive or negative is largely related to how you see yourself.


Whether it’s a non-performing worker or an unmotivated student, an unruly child or a repeat offender, etc., people are often the way they are because they have not managed their minds correctly, and this keeps them struggling.

With a poor self-image, you can’t live a certain way.


But with a new or enhanced image of themselves, they can transform their lives, change their realities, and re-write their stories.  


You can free yourself from the self-image that has kept you bound and limited in life

Is your self-image holding you back?


Is it causing you to:

  • play small and shrink into the background?

  • wallow in self-pity and unworthiness?

  • struggle with self-control?

  • operate from a place of fear and anxiety?

  • have a mindset of scarcity and lack?

  • swim in circles of overwhelm and confusion?

  • beat yourself up when you fall short?

  • be indecisive and insecure?

  • be full of doubt, scepticism, and worry?

You have control over how you think, feel and act.


Are you ready to create your abundant life and live out your true potential?

Are you ready to:
see yourself as worthy and remarkable?

be excited about everyday life?

discover what is possible for you?

forgive yourself for your mistakes?

feel confident, calm and at peace?

learn and keep growing?

Are you ready to see yourself differently and have the world reflect it back to you?

You’re just a thought away from transforming your life


TheWord Abundant-Life is a unique program designed to help people to enhance their self-image and live their best, abundant life.

We think on purpose, behave on purpose and choose on purpose, to create the abundant life we want to live.


We operate on the premise that:

  • people are not disturbed by things but rather by their view of things;

  • their view of things is influenced by the way they see themselves;

  • the way they see themselves affects how they see the world around them.


When you change your thoughts about the things in your outer world, you can be in more control of your emotions. You can deliberately choose the behaviours that lead to the life circumstances you want and direct your own destiny.


TheWord Abundant-Life empowers you to take control of your own experience of life.

We help you to manage your thoughts, create new ones, and practice thinking the thoughts that will drive you in the desired direction.

TheWord Abundant-Life addresses the areas of your tripartite being, involved in developing the right self-image:



This is the most obvious part of your being. The part you see when you look in the mirror. It represents your inward believes, outwardly expressed in how you carry yourself, communicate and dress. It is how you see yourself and the world around you. It is a reflection of your self-image.



This is a critical part of your being. It is the mental and emotional part of you. Your mind. Your will.
Your emotions
. It is your personality. The image you develop here, internally in your mind, you express outwardly through your body, and the world reflects it back to you.



This is the real you. You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. The spirit is communion, intuition and conscience. Your spirit knows things beyond your mind. It transcends the limitation of knowledge and experience. When the spirit dominates, it causes the body to prosper, as your soul prospers. 

To create lasting change, you can’t just take action without first shifting your identity, because you’re always going to come back to who you believe yourself to be.


TheWord Abundant-Life inspires your beliefs in order to elevate your self-image, take back control and create the life you truly want.


TheWord Abundant-Life encourages you to learn how to direct your own thoughts, emotions and behaviour rather than trying to control people and the outside world.


TheWord Abundant-Life empowers you to decide what you feel despite what is happening around you.


Through TheWord Abundant-Life, we help you to create a different reality that’s going to help you revive the dreams, reach the goal and live the life that is abundant joy, abundant health, abundant peace and abundant prosperity.

TheWord Abundant-Life Experience


1. Elevation Talks  


"A small shift in one’s thinking can make all the difference."

The Image Elevation Talks challenge you to shift your self-image in order to improve areas of your life. It is designed to deliver thought-provoking and impactful messages that can be reflected on, long after the “talks” to promote intentional improvement of your self-image.


Ideal for:

  • motivational sessions for corporate conferences, functions, and meetings

  •  team building and recreational activities

  • workshops

  • schools and educational classes

  • church conferences and activities

  • social gatherings


2. Elevation Walks


"If we try to change our behaviour without first changing our self-image, we will always come back to who we believe ourselves to be."


The Elevation Walks are an ongoing series of engagements to help reveal what your current self-image is and how it is impacting your life. It challenges you on the thoughts and habits that keep you small, stuck, and defeated and helps you to develop a mindset that elevates how you see yourself and what is possible for you.


Monthly Elevation Walks are important because change takes time, and your mind wants to keep you in the familiar. For this transforming experience, we walk the talk, because the journey to the
abundant life is a life-long one. Let's walk it out together.


Ideal for:

  • organisations

  • health institutions

  • correctional institutions

  • educational institutions


Whether you are striving or struggling, TheWord Abundant-Life will inspire, encourage, and empower you to enhance your self-image and live the abundant-life.


You are your most important commodity

Invest in yourself and experience a significant return through your transformed life.


This is your one life

Make it the Abundant-Life

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