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The Life Your Thoughts Created

The unpredictable and unprecedented present times have upset nearly every aspect of life.

For many, they have caused discouragement and fear of the unknown, which has affected their general behaviour, performance, health, and relationships. They feel anxious, depressed, and hopeless.

Yet others faced with the same challenges have risen above the storm of uncertainty.
  • They have peace, joy, and strength.

  • They are motivated, effective and produce results.

  • They face each day with renewed hope and vigour.

  • They don’t only see the light, but they shine the light for others.

  • They live a life of abundance.

Which group do you identify with?

The main difference between the two camps is their self-image.

How they see themselves is what causes the one group to rise above the storm, and the other group to be swallowed up in it.

I like to think of self-image as a “collection of thoughts” about one’s abilities, their appearance, and their personality. Because it's the way one sees themselves, it affects what they do, where they go, and how they carry themselves. It affects how they see and live their life.

If all you ever see is hopelessness, helplessness, lack, trouble, defeat, and no way out, may I suggest to you that what you need is not a new pair of glasses to see better, but a renewing of your mind. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Renewing of the mind is changing how you think. The Bible says in Romans 12:2 that you shouldn’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but you should let God transform you into a new person, by changing the way you think. When you can think right, you can live right, because a way of thinking always precedes a way of living.

What Grade Are Your Thoughts?

I’m reminded of a time during my university years, when I got 13 marks out of a possible 50 marks on a test. But because I was very confident of the content I had written, I went to see the lecturer to protest my mark. He explained that the 13 was purely for giving an excellent answer to a question he didn’t ask.

And it had me thinking, oftentimes the way of the world seems right to us and we excel at living according to its standards. But if we check it against God’s standards, we may find that we fall far short, and as a result we live lifestyles that are way below what is possible for us. Way below the abundant life that God designed for us.

When you replace your thoughts which you get from the world, with God’s thoughts, which you get from His written Word, you will live above only.

Nothing Outside You Determines How You Feel

Often, we look outside ourselves, to external factors and believe that we are the way we are because of the cards life has dealt us. But in truth, the person you are, and the experiences you have, have very little to do with the circumstances of your life, but rather, how you perceive those circumstances. And how you perceive them is influenced by how you see yourself, by the thoughts you have of yourself. It then becomes a vicious cycle that produces your life experiences.

The emotions you feel, the words you speak and the actions you choose all come from the thoughts you have. You can therefore expect that when you change your thoughts about things in your outer world, then you can deliberately choose the behaviours that lead to the life circumstances you want, and direct your destiny.

Look Within Yourself to Create the Change You Want

The reason why you and I are in debt, figuratively speaking, is not because things are expensive and we don’t have enough money. It’s because all we have are thoughts of debt. We think debt, we talk debt and we choose debt. Similarly, you don’t stay poor because you were born poor. You stay poor because all you have are thoughts of poverty. You think poverty, you talk poverty and you choose poverty.

The reason this may be hard to take is because we often feel better about our problems if we can blame them on someone or something else. But give yourself a little credit, your own thoughts did the most work.

The good news is that, since it's your thoughts that got you into that unpleasant situation, then a change in your thinking pattern can get you out.

For as long as you have something external to blame for your circumstances, chances are you won’t look to yourself to find or create the solution. You will look to the external conditions to change, before yours can change. This means, in the event that those conditions don’t change, you remain in that miserable position. That’s too much power to give away, if you ask me.

So, while pointing fingers is an option available to the masses, be the one who chooses to think higher thoughts about yourself and determine that you'll not just be another victim of circumstance. Decide that you'll not just let life serve what it may nor will you just leave it up to the whims of others. And when your thoughts begin to change, so does your reality.

Are you thinking on purpose to create the life you want or are you tolerating thoughts that make you settle for whatever life hands you?

The Thoughts of God Assault the Senses

These ‘higher thoughts’ from a ‘higher Source’ will often not make sense to your natural man. Your carnal mind will reject this higher way of thinking at first, because your mind likes to keep you in the familiar, and in this case, a familiar way of thinking. This initial rejection or disbelief of the new, higher thoughts is an expected part of the process of mind renewal leading to a transformed life.

As your mind gets renewed over time, and gets used to this higher way of thinking, those will be the familiar thoughts you will think more of. And when you think them long enough, you'll create a reality that matches them. Things will begin to change because things follow thoughts. Be intentional with yours.

The Destiny of Your Success or Failure Has Its Root in Your Mind

If what you think determines what you have, then what you don’t think also determines what you don’t have. It would be wise then, not to carelessly entertain every thought that comes to your mind. Evaluate a thought once you think it. Ask yourself if it serves you, and get rid of it, if it doesn't.

Don't tolerate it. Don't entertain it. Don't ponder further on it. If it doesnt serve you, cast it out of your mind and replace it with a higher thought.

The Bible tells us about the kind of thoughts we should have. It says in Philippians 4:8 that whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtueuos, and praiseworthy, think on these things.

Discipline your thoughts, for your destiny, and those of others, are tied to your way of thinking.

Are Your Current Thoughts Serving You?

Get rid of the thinking that you are a victim, a victim of circumstance, whatever the circumstance may be. This is not to downplay the things that happened nor to trivialize the effect they had on you. But the idea is not to let your past to rob you of both your past and your future. Don’t allow the negative experiences of the past to set a dark, narrow path to the rest of your life. Use the rest of your life to create the life that your past robbed you of.

Yes, you’ve been victimised. You’ve been exploited and persecuted, but that’s not where your story ends, that's not all there is to you. You are not just a victim. You are not just hopeless and helpless. You are not just vulnerable and susceptible. You are not just poor, getting poorer, nor are you just weak getting weaker. When you think poor thoughts, that's what you are creating and ultimately what you will experience more of; more hopelessness and helplessness; more vulnerability and susceptibility; more poverty and more weakness.

Change your thoughts and think higher thoughts. When you are poor think wealth, when you are weak think strength, when you are sick, think healed. And when you think it long enough, you'll begin to believe it. Once you believe it, you will speak it, create it, and live it.

You are made in the image of God and God is divine. Therefore, there must be a divinity about you that you must come to terms with. Think divine thoughts, speak divine words and choose divine behaviour that you may live the divine life.

Your mind is a powerhouse, use it to work for you.

"The spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to bind up the brokenhearted, to comfort all who mourn, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour."



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